The Technomancer’s Opinionated Guide to Open Core Software

Listen up, digital alchemists. We’re about to dive into the swirling vortex of Open Core software. But this ain’t neutral ground - we’re planting our staff firmly in the soil of opinionated wisdom. Gather ‘round as we unveil the secrets of balancing openness with profit, and why AGPL and the “Once” license are the true north of our moral compass.

The Noble Pursuit and the Harsh Reality

Before we explore the arcane arts of Open Core, let us acknowledge a truth known to all good wizards: In an ideal world, we would freely share all our knowledge and code, spreading enlightenment across the digital realms without concern for material gain. This noble aspiration burns bright in the heart of every true technomancer.

However, we do not cast our spells in a realm of pure light. Dark forces lurk in the shadows – corporate daemons, profit-hungry specters, and the relentless demands of survival in a materialistic world. These entities wield powerful dark arts that threaten to extinguish the flame of open source idealism.

Thus, we find ourselves in a precarious balance. To combat these forces and maximize our impact, we must ensure our own sustainability and power. Profitability becomes not just a goal, but a necessary shield and weapon in our arsenal. By mastering the art of Open Core, we craft a compromise that allows us to share vast knowledge freely while also generating the resources needed to continue our noble work.

But take heart, clever mage, for this guide reveals arcane tricks to turn darkness against our adversaries. Like a master of mystical judo, you’ll learn to use the corporate daemons’ own weight against them. Their fear of AGPL becomes our strength. We’ll teach you to weaponize this fear, draining their seemingly infinite coffers. By mastering these arts, you’ll beat them at their own game, transforming their rules into conduits for our cause. Each license sold becomes a victory, liberating knowledge from those who would hoard it.

Now, a word of clarity: You may have heard that the venerable creators of AGPL oppose Open Core. In truth, their concerns are more nuanced, rooted in a noble desire to prevent crucial features from becoming proprietary; locked behind enterprise licenses that obscure the magic. Yet, in our quest for open knowledge, we must wield even double-edged swords. The Once license we advocate strikes a delicate balance, retaining the spirit of openness and modification while providing a sustainable path forward. It allows users to view and modify the code, honoring the essence of free software, yet arms us against the mighty forces we face. By mastering this approach, we can carve out victories in the ever-evolving battle for digital freedom.

Remember, young mage, that every coin earned through our premium offerings is not mere profit – it is fuel for the greater good, enabling us to expand our free offerings and push back against the encroaching darkness.

Now, with this understanding, let us explore the mystical balance of Open Core, where idealism and pragmatism dance in harmony.

The Essence of Open Core: A Balancing Act

Picture a crystal ball - its outer layer transparent and free, its inner core a swirling mist of arcane, premium, magic. This, dear apprentices, is the nature of Open Core:

  • The outer layer: Open source code, AGPL-licensed, a beacon of freedom
  • The inner core: Premium features, guarded by the “Once” license, a treasure for paying customers, who will not only gain more features, but a more corporate friendly license the daemons in suits will happily throw money at.

It’s not just a business model; it’s a philosophy, a way of life in the digital realm.

The Path of the Wise: 6 Tenants to guide you.

Before we delve into the arcane details, let us unveil the 6 ancestral tenets. These sacred principles should illuminate your path throughout this mystical journey. Keep them close to your heart, for they are the North Star that will guide you through the mists of uncertainty.

  1. Embrace the AGPL: For your open source layer, AGPL is the way. It’s not just a license; it’s a statement of values.

  2. Wield the “Once” License: For your premium features, the “Once” license is your magical talisman, striking a sweet spot between access and protection. Its permissive charms make it irresistible even to corporate daemons, luring them in whether they wanted to splurge on your premium enchantments or not.

  3. Clear Divination: Define your open and closed features early and clearly. No fuzzy lines, no confused users.

  4. Community as Allies: Nurture your open source community. They’re not just users; they’re your fellow travelers on this journey.

  5. Value in the Mist: Ensure your premium features offer true magic, not just basic spells behind a paywall.

  6. Adaptive Sorcery: Be ready to evolve your strategy as the digital winds change. Flexibility is key in this ever-shifting landscape.

With these tenets etched into your mind, you are now prepared to explore the deeper mysteries of Open Core sorcery. Let them be your guiding light as we unravel the intricacies of this powerful business magic.

Why AGPL is Your Best Ally

  1. The Ultimate Shield: AGPL closes the “network service loophole” that other licenses leave wide open. It’s like a force field that ensures your code stays free, even in the cloud.

  2. Community Empowerment: AGPL fosters a true give-and-take. Users can see, modify, and contribute, creating a thriving ecosystem around your creation.

  3. Ethical Stance: It says, “We’re open, but we’re serious about it.” It’s not just code; it’s a statement.

  4. Commercial Trigger: AGPL’s strong copyleft nature encourages companies to seek commercial licenses, fueling your business while respecting open source principles.

The “Once” License: Your Secret Weapon

Behold the “Once” license, a spell of balance and fairness:

  1. Single Instance Power: Users can install and use one instance, creating a clear boundary that prevents unintended proliferation. For those who require additional instances, the path to expansion lies in acquiring additional licenses.

  2. Modification Rights: Allows users to tinker, learn and tailor the magic to their needs, fostering innovation without compromising your business.

  3. Clear Boundaries: No republishing or reselling. It’s a “use and look but don’t take” approach that protects your work.

  4. Legal Simplicity: Plain language that even non-mages can understand. No arcane legalese here!

  5. AGPL Exception Charm: Here’s where the real magic happens, apprentices. The “Once” license acts as an exception to the AGPL on the open portions of your code. It’s like a secret passage through the AGPL’s fortress walls.

Why This Alchemy Reigns Supreme: Transmuting Code into Gold

There is great value in the mystical synergy of AGPL and the “Once” license, granting great power for the savvy technomancer:

AGPL forms your ethical bedrock, nourishing the open source world like a magical spring. Meanwhile, the “Once” license guards your premium treasures, ensuring your coffers never run dry.

This dual-natured spell summons a vibrant community of fellow sorcerers while paving a clear path to monetization. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle of innovation and growth, each feeding the other.

In the realm of legal arcana, both licenses shine like beacons, banishing the fog of confusion for you and your users alike. No more squinting at cryptic legalese!

As your power grows, so can your generosity. Expand your open source offerings like a benevolent wizard, all while your business core remains protected – a hidden wellspring of power ensuring continued prosperity.

The AGPL-Once Synergy: Opening Doors to Restricted Realms

Listen closely, for this is where our licensing alchemy truly shines. This dual approach allows your software to penetrate markets that would otherwise be closed off, like a shapeshifter adapting to different environments. You maintain the spirit of openness with AGPL while providing a pragmatic option for businesses. It’s like offering both the high road and a safe detour.

Breaking the AGPL Barrier:

Many businesses shy away from AGPL like vampires from sunlight. Their corporate policies often forbid AGPL-licensed software due to its strong copyleft nature.

The “Once” Exception:

By offering the “Once” license as an exception, you create a bridge over the AGPL moat. It’s like offering a magic amulet that grants safe passage through restricted territories. Businesses with strict open-source policies can now use your open-source code under the “Once” license terms, bypassing their AGPL restrictions.

Dual-Path Approach:

  • Open source enthusiasts and contributors can engage fully under AGPL.
  • Businesses seeking more flexibility can opt for the “Once” license.

Crafting Your Licensing Tiers: A Flexible Enchantment

In the mystical realm of Open Core, you have the power to shape your licensing strategy like a master alchemist mixing potions. Let’s explore two powerful configurations:

The Dual Sphere Approach

  1. The Free Realm (AGPL):

    • Your base incantation, open to all under the AGPL’s protective aura.
    • Core functionality that attracts users and builds your community.
  2. The Premium Dimension (“Once”):

    • Advanced magics locked behind the “Once” license.
    • Exclusive features that tempt users to cross the paywall threshold.
    • Appealing to corporate daemons and serious practitioners alike.

This two-tiered approach offers a clear distinction between free and paid offerings, simplifying your licensing strategy.

The Triple Layer Spell

For those seeking more power, and to really hit the daemons where it hurts behold the three-tiered sorcery:

  1. The Free Realm (AGPL):

    • As above, your foundational magic freely shared.
  2. The Enhanced Plane (AGPL) free as in speach not as in mead:

    • Advanced enchantments, still AGPL-bound but requiring a modest tribute.
    • Perfect for normal and small businesses who appreciate open source.
    • Keeps the magic flowing while generating some coin for your coffers.
  3. The Supreme Dimension (“Once”):

    • Your ultimate enterprise enchantment under the “Once” license.
    • Top-tier sorcery with a hefty price tag to match its potent flexibility.
    • Designed to extract maximum tribute from corporate entities allergic to open source.

This three-tiered approach allows you to cater to different types of users:

  • Open source enthusiasts and small businesses can thrive in the AGPL realms.
  • Large corporations with deep pockets and an aversion to open source get hit with the “Once” license and its premium price tag.

This strategy lets you support the open source community while still making those corporate daemons pay through the nose for their closed-source preferences. It’s a win-win enchantment! Beware though, with great power comes great responsabilty. Weilding this option is for more veteran technomancers. The Dual Sphere approach is simpler and easier to explain to users.

Choosing Your Path: Implementing the AGPL-Once Synergy

Both approaches have their merits:

  • Dual Sphere: Simplicity and clear differentiation between free and paid.
  • Triple Layer: More options for users, potentially easy upsells to deep pocket daemonic entities.

Pick your path and follow these guidelines:

  1. Clear Licensing Declaration: In your repository, explicitly state that the code is available under AGPL or the “Once” license.

  2. Educate Your Users: Create guides explaining the benefits of each licensing option. It’s like providing a map with two distinct but equally valid paths.

  3. Smooth Transition Process: Establish a clear process for businesses to switch from AGPL to the “Once” license. Make it as frictionless as possible.

  4. Maintain Consistency: If using the three tier approach ensure that the core functionality remains the same under both licenses. The “Once” license should not offer additional features, only different terms.

  5. Legal Clarity: Consult with legal experts to ensure your dual licensing approach is airtight. Think of it as reinforcing your magical barriers against potential breaches.

The beauty of Open Core lies in its flexibility. You can start with a Dual Sphere and evolve into a Triple Layer as your project grows, or vice versa.

Remember, young technomancer, the key is to clearly communicate your chosen structure to your users. Whether you opt for two tiers or three, ensure your documentation clearly outlines what features lie in each realm and under which mystical license they’re bound.

This AGPL-Once synergy is a powerful spell. It allows you to stand firm on open-source principles while extending an olive branch to the corporate under-world. It’s not just about licensing; it’s about creating a inclusive ecosystem where both free spirits and daemonic entities can coexist and thrive.

This path is not for the faint of heart. It requires conviction, clear communication, and a deep commitment to both open source principles and business realities.

May your code be accessible to all, your business model robust, and your impact far-reaching in both the open and guarded realms of software!

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